The management of laying chicken breeding equipment

What about the management of laying chicken farming equipment? Especially in the fall of breeding laying hens. Farmers must implement environmental management of chicken coops. And the feeding of laying hens. Prevent the occurrence of autumn flu.


Feed management in the chicken house plays an important role in autumn and winter. In winter, laying hens need to survive the harsh winter. Therefore, it is necessary to improve adequate nutrition for laying hens. Supplement vitamins. Improve the physical fitness of laying hens.


battery poultry systems


The light in autumn gradually decreases. Laying hens need light very much. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the light time of the laying hens reared in the laying cages. To maintain 15 hours of light per day. Stabilize the light intensity. Turn on the lights regularly in the chicken house every day. The temperature of the chicken coop in autumn should also be properly paid attention to. Keep warm and ventilate. Only in this way can the chickens have a good growing environment.


The daily disinfection work is essential for the chicken coop. Disinfect the chicken house regularly. Do a good job of vaccinating chickens. Avoid the loss of farmers due to illness. Usually the laying hens will experience a peak period of laying in autumn. After the peak period, the resistance and antibody status of the laying hens will be significantly reduced. At this time, they are very susceptible to diseases. Doing a good job of immunization can help the laying hens survive this healthily. stage.

The above is the daily management of some chickens that shut down the laying hen breeding equipment. If you find it helpful, you can send us an email.