Ways for Zambian farmers to reduce breeding costs

In Zambia, as farming becomes more and more large-scale and feed prices continue to rise, the profit margin of farming is constantly being compressed, and cost reduction is the most effective way to improve efficiency. How much profit is there for raising chickens? In addition to looking at the market price of chickens, you can also improve efficiency by saving costs. So what are the ways to reduce the cost of raising chickens?

Poultry equipment manufacturers mainly tell farmers about chicken farming cages , feeding methods, drinking water, and poultry house management. Automated poultry equipment has achieved remarkable results in improving feed conversion and checkmate cost expenditure in Kenyan farms, and can maximize benefits.

poultry battery cage for sale

How can Zambian farmers reduce cost in farm?

1. Chicken farming cage saves feed. Today,chicken cages for sale in Zambia is the most common way of poultry farming. This feeding mode realizes automation, large-scale and intensive goals such as automatic feeding, drinking water, egg collection, manure cleaning and environmental control. Advantages such as feces contact.

With the pursuit of economic benefits, chicken cages in Zambia have gradually developed into stacked cages with 4, 6 and 8 floors, and the breeding capacity of a single building can reach more than 100,000. Chicken houses in Zambia of the same size use chicken cages to raise the number of breeding by at least 3 times, which also means that the income of Zambian farmers has also increased by more than 3 times.

And the management of poultry chickens in multi-tier chicken farming cage is an ideal choice. Since chicken cages in Zambia can obtain efficient production results and high-density breeding, it saves a lot of manpower and reduces labor intensity. It has been loved by many Zambian farmers.

2. There is also the issue of feed. Reducing feed waste can also reduce costs. The use of automatic poultry feeding equipmentcan control the feeding of feed. Improve the utilization rate of feed. So how to reach a higher level?

It can be due to an automatic timing and fixed-point release of the equipment. Realize precise feeding. It is also good for the growth and development of chickens. At the same time, it will not cause a large area of waste. Reduce manual intervention. Better experience automation.

When making feed, the farmers should make adjustments according to the growth of the chickens. Because many farmers encountered in most artificial breeding plants produce a large amount of feed. In this way, the chicken fry will not finish eating and it will deteriorate if it is left for a long time, which will result in waste of feed. Therefore, when making feed, farmers must increase or decrease feed according to the growth of the chickens. Avoid causing a lot of waste.

battery chicken cages

3.There should be sufficient water supply in the chicken farm. For chickens without water for 24 hours, the egg production will be reduced by 30%, and it will take 25-30 days to return to normal. Chicken flocks without water for 36 hours, egg production can not return to the original level. If the water is cut off for more than 36 hours, some chickens will stop laying eggs or even moult. Therefore, adequate and timely supply of fresh water is essential for poultry farming in Zambia.

This has to be said about the automatic drinking water equipment in the chicken  cages of Zambian farming. It is composed of a water pipe, a pressure reducing valve and a drinking nipple. Installed in the chicken house, it can provide sufficient drinking water for poultry 24 hours a day. This is one of the most ideal poultry farming equipment for poultry farmers.

4.Good house management practices can also save costs. Chicken cages in Zambia can be used from chicks to adult chickens. This is a relatively advanced feeding method in Zambia at present. It can reduce the energy consumption of chickens, save feed and prevent feed from spreading.

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the suitable temperature of 13 ° C ~ 24 ° C for chickens. If the house temperature is reasonable, the body heat loss will be less, and the heat energy to maintain the body temperature will be correspondingly reduced, so the amount of food eaten will be lower, but the output will not decrease. In addition, in order to prevent the chicken from hooking the feed, the chicken beak can be cut off during the brooding period.

It is also necessary to strengthen the daily management of feeding. The automatic manure cleaning system of the chicken cage system is used to improve the sanitation of the chicken house, so that the poultry can have a good and comfortable growth environment, and it can also improve the immunity of the chicken flock, thereby reducing the probability of disease and reducing the cost of treatment.

The above is the poultry equipment manufacturers from the four aspects of choosing chicken cages to raise poultry, feeding, drinking water, and poultry house management to save the cost of poultry farmers in Zambia farmers. I hope that all poultry farmers can get good benefits in the chicken breeding project.