Poultry Farming about Chicken Drinking Water Equipment System

The Formation of Chicken Drinking Water System

In the whole process of layer, broiler and pullet raising system, besides the necessary diverse kinds of poultry cage system, poultry farmers need to know the importance of poultry drinking system. Because the amount of water is about more  three times than the amount of feed, and the higher the temperature, the more amount of water. Therefore, it is  important to provide adequate and hygienic water supply for chickens. Livi machinery has a famous and reputable poultry farming drinking system.We supply the chicken drinking water system consisting of automatic chicken  drinking system depressure tank, automatic pipe fastener  ball valve nipple drinker, nipple drinker hanging cup,  automatic water feeding line pressure regulator and a filling device.

Make Sure the Normal of Chicken Nipple Drinking System

The standard and high level of nipple drinking system can effectively seal losely the water source, so that it doesn’t be contaminated by the outside environment and ensure the water keeping clean. Because the water can not sprinkle and the hen house is not damp, thus resulting in the quality of bedding material. At the same time,  the internal environment is completely improved and  saving a lot of manpower.

To ensure that the system is functioning normally, enterpreneurs must control the pressure and effluent of the water pipe accurately. Chickens  shuold be guaranteed that both the sufficient amount of water and the water can’t be sprinkled and dripped according to the situation of actual drinking water. Secondly, adjust the water pipe height in time according to the chicken’s age and environment. At the beginning of 2 days, the height of the nipple should be the same as the eyes’ height of the chicken, while the height of the nipple should be risen on the 3rd day, which can make sure that the chicken can drinkl water at an angle of 45°. Increase the angle of  drinking nipple from the 4th day, and adjust the  height of drinking nipple increasely until chicks can drink warter normally.

poultry drinking equipment
poultry drinking equipment