Interested in Prices for Automatic Layer Cages

Welcome to LIVI, a leading poultry equipment manufacturer and supplier. We take great pride in offering a wide range of automatic layer cages at competitive prices. Our cages are designed to provide optimum comfort and productivity for your layers, while also ensuring ease of management and maintenance for you, the poultry farmer.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into various aspects related to automatic layer cages, providing valuable information for those interested in investing in this type of poultry equipment. We will cover topics such as types of cages, features, benefits, pricing factors, and maintenance tips.

Types of Automatic Layer Cages

Automatic layer cages come in different types to suit specific requirements and farm sizes. The three main types of automatic layer cages are:

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  1. Manual Laying Hen Cages:

* These cages are designed for smaller-scale poultry operations and backyard flocks.
   * They require manual labor for feeding, watering, and egg collection.
   * Manual laying hen cages are typically less expensive than automated cages.

  1. Automated Laying Hen Cages:

* These cages are equipped with automated systems for feeding, watering, and egg collection.
   * They require minimal manual labor and can save time and effort for poultry farmers.
   * Automated laying hen cages are typically more expensive than manual cages.

  1. H-Type Laying Hen Cages:

* These cages are a type of automated laying hen cage that features a unique H-shaped design.
   * They offer several advantages, including improved ventilation, better access to feed and water, and easier egg collection.
   * H-type laying hen cages are typically more expensive than manual and traditional automated cages.

In addition to these three main types, there are also variations and combinations of these cages available. For example, some automated laying hen cages may have additional features such as climate control systems or manure removal systems.

When choosing the right type of automatic layer cage for your operation, consider factors such as the size of your flock, your budget, and your labor availability.

Here is a table summarizing the key differences between the three types of automatic layer cages:

FeatureManual Laying Hen CagesAutomated Laying Hen CagesH-Type Laying Hen Cages
Level of AutomationLowHighHigh
Labor RequirementsHighLowLow
CostLess expensiveMore expensiveMost expensive
VentilationLess optimalOptimalOptimal
Access to Feed and WaterLess optimalOptimalOptimal
Egg CollectionManualAutomatedAutomated
Manure RemovalManualAutomatedAutomated

It’s important to note that the prices of automatic layer cages can vary depending on factors such as the cage type, size, features, manufacturer, and quantity ordered. To get an accurate price quote for your specific needs, it’s best to contact a reputable poultry equipment supplier like LIVI.

Features and Benefits of Automatic Layer Cages

Automatic layer cages offer numerous advantages over traditional floor-based systems. Let’s explore some of their key features and benefits:

  1. Automated Feeding and Watering: Automatic layer cages come equipped with mechanized feeding and watering systems that deliver feed and water directly to the birds. This eliminates the need for manual labor and ensures a consistent supply of food and water, promoting better growth and egg production.
  2. Efficient Space Utilization: Automatic layer cages make optimal use of available space by stacking cages vertically, allowing for a higher bird density and maximizing egg production per square foot.
  3. Improved Hygiene and Disease Control: Automatic layer cages help maintain a cleaner environment by preventing direct contact between birds and their droppings, reducing the risk of disease outbreaks and contamination of eggs.
  4. Labor Savings: Automated layer cages minimize manual labor requirements, such as feeding, watering, and egg collection, leading to increased productivity and lower operating costs.
  5. Increased Egg Production: Automatic layer cages provide a controlled environment that optimizes egg production by ensuring consistent access to feed, water, and proper ventilation.

3. Factors Affecting the Price of Automatic Layer Cages

The price of automatic layer cages varies depending on several factors:

  1. Cage Type and Size: The type of cage (single-tier, multi-tier, or colony) and its size (number of birds it can accommodate) significantly impact the price.
  2. Materials and Construction: The quality and durability of materials used, such as galvanized steel or plastic, influence the cost of the cages.
  3. Features and Automation Level: Cages with more advanced features, such as automatic egg collection systems or climate control systems, tend to be priced higher.
  4. Manufacturer and Brand: Different manufacturers and brands may have varying pricing strategies, affecting the overall cost of the cages.
  5. Quantity and Location: Purchasing larger quantities or ordering from certain regions or countries may result in price variations due to production costs, transportation, and import duties.

4. Compare Prices from Different Suppliers

To ensure you get the best price for automatic layer cages, it’s essential to compare quotes from multiple suppliers. Consider the following tips when comparing prices:

  1. Get Written Quotes: Request detailed written quotes from each supplier, specifying the cage type, size, features, and delivery terms.
  2. Compare Prices and Features: Evaluate the quotes carefully, comparing the prices and the features offered by each supplier. Consider the overall value for money rather than just the initial cost.
  3. Consider Additional Costs: Take into account additional costs, such as shipping, installation, and maintenance, when comparing prices to get a complete picture of the total investment.
  4. Negotiate: Don’t hesitate to negotiate with suppliers to obtain a better price, especially if you’re purchasing a large quantity of cages.

5. Choosing the Right Automatic Layer Cage for Your Farm

Selecting the right automatic layer cage for your farm depends on various factors:

  1. Farm Size and Capacity: Consider the size of your poultry operation and the number of birds you intend to house to determine the appropriate cage capacity.
  2. Type of Poultry: Different types of poultry, such as laying hens or broilers, have specific cage requirements. Choose cages designed for the type of birds you plan to raise.
  3. Budget and Features: Set a budget for the cages and prioritize the features that are essential for your operation. Consider features like automated feeding and watering, egg collection systems, and climate control systems.
  4. Supplier Reputation and Service: Choose a reputable supplier with a proven track record of delivering quality cages and providing excellent customer service. Consider factors like warranty coverage and availability of spare parts.

6. Maintenance Tips for Automatic Layer Cages

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your automatic layer cages, follow these maintenance tips:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean the cages regularly to remove dirt, droppings, and feed residue. This helps maintain a hygienic environment and prevents the buildup of harmful bacteria.
  2. Inspect Equipment: Inspect the cages, feeding and watering systems, and other mechanical components regularly for any signs of wear or damage. Promptly repair or replace any faulty parts to prevent breakdowns.
  3. Lubricate Moving Parts: Lubricate moving parts, such as hinges and rollers, to ensure smooth operation and prevent unnecessary wear and tear.
  4. Monitor Climate Control Systems: If your cages have climate control systems, monitor them regularly to ensure they are functioning properly and maintaining the desired temperature and humidity levels.
  5. Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions: Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific maintenance instructions and recommendations for your particular cage system.

By following these tips, you can keep your automatic layer cages in top condition, maximizing their lifespan and ensuring the productivity and well-being of your birds.


Automatic layer cages offer numerous advantages for poultry farmers, including improved egg production, efficient space utilization, and reduced labor requirements. When purchasing automatic layer cages, it’s important to consider factors such as cage type, size, features, and pricing. Compare prices from different suppliers, select a reputable automatic layer cages offer numerous advantages for poultry farmers, including improved egg production, efficient space utilization, and reduced labor requirements. When purchasing automatic layer cages, it’s important to consider factors such as cage type, size, features, and pricing. Compare prices from different suppliers, select a reputable manufacturer, and choose the right cage for your specific needs.

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Here are some additional points to consider when purchasing automatic layer cages:

  • Consider the type of birds you will be housing. Different types of poultry, such as laying hens or broilers, have specific cage requirements. Choose cages that are designed for the type of birds you plan to raise.
  • Think about the size of your operation. The size of your poultry operation will determine the number of cages you need. Make sure to choose cages that can accommodate the number of birds you plan to house.
  • Decide which features are important to you. Automatic layer cages come with a variety of features, such as automated feeding and watering systems, egg collection systems, and climate control systems. Choose cages that have the features that are most important to you.
  • Compare prices from different suppliers. Be sure to shop around and compare prices from different suppliers before making a purchase. You may be able to find a better deal by comparing prices online or by contacting multiple suppliers directly.
  • Choose a reputable manufacturer. When choosing a supplier, it’s important to select a reputable manufacturer that has a good track record of delivering quality cages and providing excellent customer service. Consider factors such as warranty coverage and availability of spare parts.

By following these tips, you can choose the right automatic layer cages for your poultry operation and ensure that you get the most out of your investment.

If you are interested in learning more about automatic layer cages or obtaining a quote for your specific needs, please contact LIVI poultry equipment manufacturer. We offer a wide range of high-quality automatic layer cages at competitive prices. Our experienced team is ready to assist you in selecting the right cages for your operation and provide you with ongoing support.