Layer farm cages in poultry house system

The landscape of automatic layer poultry farm is continually evolving, guided by innovation and technology that shape the industry’s trajectory. Among the transformative innovations that have garnered considerable attention in recent years, the “layer farm cage in poultry house system” stands out as a revolutionary solution designed to revolutionize the rearing of layer hens within poultry house systems.

Introduction to Layer Farm Cage In Poultry House System

Layer farm cages are specially designed structures that house layer hens in a controlled and efficient environment. The primary objective is to create a comfortable, secure, and productive living space for these birds. Let’s understand why opting for poultry farm layer cage is a prudent decision for modern poultry farming.

The Importance of Rearing Conditions

Layer hens play a crucial role in the poultry industry by providing a steady supply of eggs. To ensure their well-being and productivity, it’s imperative to provide them with the right environment. Layer farm cages are designed with this in mind. They offer a structured, organized, and clean space for hens, allowing them to lay eggs comfortably.

Enhancing Production Efficiency

Poultry farm layer cage are meticulously designed to enhance production efficiency. The controlled environment minimizes stress among hens and optimizes egg production. Farmers can expect a consistent and reliable supply of eggs, which is vital for profitability in the poultry business.

Advantages of poultry farm layer cage

The advantages of using layer farm cages in poultry house systems are manifold. Let’s explore these benefits in detail.

Improved Space Utilization

Layer farm cages are designed to make the most of available space. The vertical configuration of these cages maximizes the number of hens that can be accommodated in a given area. This efficient space utilization is a game-changer for farms with limited land resources.

Better Hygiene and Disease Control

Maintaining hygiene in a poultry house is critical. Poultry farm layer cage are equipped with features that make cleaning and waste management easier. By reducing contact between hens and their excreta, these cages help minimize the risk of diseases, ultimately leading to healthier flocks.

Reduced Feed and Resource Consumption

Efficiency is key in modern agriculture. Layer farm cages contribute to resource efficiency by reducing the consumption of feed and water. The controlled environment ensures that less feed goes to waste, which is both environmentally and economically beneficial.

Application of Layer Farm Cage in Poultry Production

Layer farm cages in poultry house system are versatile and adaptable, making them suitable for a wide range of poultry farming operations. Let’s explore how they are applied in poultry production.


Whether you’re running a small family farm or a large-scale commercial operation, poultry farm layer cage can be tailored to your needs. They come in various sizes and configurations, allowing poultry farmers to scale their operations effectively.

Positive Impact on Poultry Health

The controlled environment of poultry farm layer cage has a direct and positive impact on poultry health. Reduced stress, improved hygiene, and well-ventilated cages lead to healthier and happier hens. This, in turn, results in a higher egg production rate and a longer productive life for the birds.

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Increased Profitability

Poultry farmers often cite increased profitability as a primary reason for adopting layer farm cages . The advantages these cages offer in terms of efficiency, resource management, and reduced labor costs contribute to higher overall profits.

Economic Benefits of Layer Farm Cage In Poultry House System

One of the most compelling reasons to consider layer farm cages is the economic benefits they bring to poultry farming operations.

Enhanced Productivity

Higher egg production, reduced stress among hens, and improved feed conversion rates directly impact productivity. Poultry farms that have switched to layer farm cages have witnessed significant increases in egg production, resulting in higher revenues.

Labor Efficiency

Layer farm cages in poultry house system require less labor compared to traditional free-range systems. Daily tasks such as feeding, egg collection, and waste management become more streamlined, allowing farmers to allocate their resources more efficiently.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Investing in poultry farm layer cage is an investment in the future of your poultry farming operation. With higher productivity, lower operational costs, and improved egg quality, the ROI is often substantial and relatively quick. Many farmers find that the initial investment pays off handsomely in the long run.

In conclusion, layer farm cages have revolutionized automatic layer poultry farm by providing a superior environment for layer hens, enhancing productivity, and offering substantial economic benefits. The scalability, efficiency, and sustainability of these cages make them a wise choice for modern poultry house systems. If you are a poultry farmer looking to improve your operation, consider the advantages of layer farm cages and make a positive change for your business and the welfare of your birds.

6000 birds per house layer cages for sale in Lesotho

Poultry farming plays a vital role in Lesotho, contributing to the livelihoods of many families and ensuring a steady supply of nutritious eggs. To enhance the efficiency and productivity of this industry, we will explore the advantages and details of layer cages for sale in Lesotho. Specifically, we’ll delve into the benefits of accommodating 6,000 laying hens in a 120-bird cage system. We will also provide insights from a real case study where this system was successfully implemented in a 56x9x2.5m chicken house.

Maximizing Efficiency and Space

One of the key aspects of layer cages for sale in Lesotho is their remarkable ability to maximize efficiency and space utilization. With a 120-bird cage system, poultry farmers can significantly increase their production capacity without the need to expand the physical footprint of their chicken coops. This innovative system optimizes space while streamlining the management of a large number of laying hens.

The advantages of this aspect include:

  • Increased Production: With the 6,000 birds per house layer cage system, farmers can efficiently utilize the available space to raise a larger number of laying hens, resulting in increased egg production.
  • Better Disease Control: A controlled environment within the cages minimizes the risk of disease transmission, ensuring healthier and more productive flocks.
  • Easy Management: The 120-bird cages simplify daily farm operations, making it easier to feed, monitor, and care for the poultry.

Real Case Study – 6,000 Laying Hens in a 120 Birds Layer Cage

To understand the practical benefits of the 6,000 birds per house layer cages, we turn to a real-life case study. In this case, a customer in Lesotho owned a 56x9x2.5m chicken coop and sought to optimize their egg production while maintaining efficient space utilization. Livi Machinery’s professionals conducted an in-depth assessment and recommended the installation of a 120-bird cage system.

The case study highlighted the following aspects:

  • Initial Challenges: The customer faced challenges associated with maximizing their farm’s productivity without compromising the welfare of the hens.
  • Professional Assessment: Livi Machinery’s experts assessed the customer’s specific requirements and the existing farm conditions, leading to the recommendation of a 120-bird cage system.
  • Benefits of the 120 Birds Chicken Cage System: After implementing the recommended solution, the customer experienced significant improvements in egg production, leading to increased revenue.
  • Customer Satisfaction and ROI: The customer was highly satisfied with the results and reported a substantial return on investment, making it a profitable venture for their poultry farm.

Livi Machinery Provide Farm Solutions

Livi Machinery is a trusted partner in the poultry farming industry, providing a comprehensive range of services and support to poultry farmers in Lesotho. These services are designed to enhance poultry farming practices, improve efficiency, and ensure successful operations.

Livi Machinery’s services include:

  • Tailored Poultry Equipment: The company offers a range of poultry equipment designed to meet the unique needs of individual farms, from layer cages to feeding and drinking systems.
  • Expert Consultation: Livi Machinery’s team of experts provides valuable insights and guidance on cage setup, poultry farm management, and best practices for maximizing productivity.
  • After-sales Support: The company’s commitment extends beyond installation, offering ongoing maintenance and support to ensure the equipment functions optimally.
  • Enhancing Poultry Farming Practices: Livi Machinery’s dedication to enhancing poultry farming practices in Lesotho reflects its commitment to the success of local farmers.


The adoption of 6,000 birds per house layer cages in Lesotho holds the promise of enhancing efficiency, productivity, and profitability in poultry farming. The real case study, featuring a 120-bird cage system in a 56x9x2.5m chicken coop, demonstrates the practical benefits of this approach. With the support and expertise provided by Livi Machinery, poultry farmers in Lesotho can confidently optimize their operations and achieve success in this vital industry.

For inquiries or further information regarding layer cages for sale in Lesotho, please visit our website and reach out to our team. We are committed to responding to your queries within 24 hours and providing the assistance you need to prosper in the poultry farming sector. Your journey to more efficient and profitable poultry farming starts here.

Using battery cage in Zimbabwe for raising chickens

Introduction to Battery Cages in Zimbabwe for raising chickens

Battery cages in Zimbabwe have revolutionized the poultry industry, offering an efficient and sustainable way to raise chickens for meat and eggs. In Zimbabwe, as in many other parts of the world, these systems have gained popularity for their potential to optimize space, reduce disease risk, and increase productivity.

Benefits of Battery Cages in Zimbabwe

In the context of Zimbabwe’s poultry industry, battery cages provide several key advantages. They are engineered to maximize space utilization, allowing for a significantly higher chicken population within a limited area. This is of paramount importance for Zimbabwean poultry farmers facing challenges related to land scarcity and high population density. The controlled environment within battery cages also plays a vital role in disease control, mitigating the risk of outbreaks and reducing the need for antibiotics. This not only ensures healthier flocks but also contributes to food safety and public health.

Economically, the adoption of battery chicken cages can significantly reduce feed and labor costs, helping poultry farmers improve their profit margins. With an efficient feeding system and easier waste management, resources are utilized optimally, translating to substantial savings over time.

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Challenges of Traditional Poultry Farming in Zimbabwe

In contrast, traditional open-floor poultry farming systems in Zimbabwe face a multitude of challenges. Chickens in these systems are more exposed to diseases and predators, leading to substantial losses. Furthermore, the limited space can hinder the growth and well-being of the birds, resulting in lower egg and meat production. Environmental concerns are also pertinent, as waste management can be a considerable challenge in traditional systems, potentially leading to pollution and other issues.

Adapting Battery Cages in Zimbabwe to Local Conditions

It’s important to recognize that battery cages in Zimbabwe can be adapted to suit local conditions. Given the country’s often hot climate, specific measures can be implemented to ensure the well-being of the birds, including appropriate ventilation and cooling systems. Moreover, adapting to intermittent power supply and using locally sourced materials can help reduce infrastructure costs and make these systems more accessible to a broader range of farmers.

In fact, there have been instances of successful battery cage adoption in regions with similar conditions to Zimbabwe. These stories serve as valuable examples of how innovative farming techniques can overcome local challenges, improving chicken farming in sustainable ways.

Ethical and environmental considerations for using battery cage system

The use of battery cage system in poultry farming does raise legitimate concerns about animal welfare. Critics argue that these systems may confine chickens in tight spaces, potentially limiting their natural behaviors. It’s essential to acknowledge these concerns and emphasize the industry’s commitment to addressing them.

Modern battery cage systems have made significant advancements to ensure the well-being of the chickens. They include features such as improved cage design, proper ventilation, and the provision of quality feed and water. These advancements aim to create a comfortable and humane environment for the birds, ensuring that they can stand, perch, and lay eggs comfortably.

Furthermore, from an environmental perspective, battery cage systems have demonstrated benefits. By optimizing space and resources, they help reduce the overall environmental impact of poultry farming. Waste management is more efficient, and resource use is streamlined, contributing to a more sustainable poultry industry in Zimbabwe. This eco-friendly approach aligns with global efforts to reduce the ecological footprint of agriculture.

While the debate over battery cages continues, it’s important to recognize that ongoing research and improvements in poultry farming practices are aimed at addressing both ethical and environmental concerns. These developments seek to strike a balance between efficient production and responsible and humane treatment of the birds, while also minimizing the industry’s impact on the environment. The goal is to provide Zimbabwean poultry farmers with a viable and sustainable option for raising chickens while respecting ethical and environmental considerations.

Sturdy Spacious Chicken Farming Cages for Poultry Farm

The poultry industry has witnessed a significant transformation over the years, with advancements in technology and equipment to ensure the well-being and productivity of poultry. Among these innovations, Sturdy spacious chicken farming cages have emerged as a game-changer for poultry farmers.

Why Are Sturdy Spacious Chicken Farm Cages More Popular?

1. Sturdy Spacious Chicken Farming Cages with Long Service Life

Sturdy spacious chicken farming cages are designed and built to last, making them a wise investment for poultry farmers. These cages are constructed using high-quality materials and meticulous craftsmanship. The durability of these cages ensures a long service life, reducing the need for frequent replacements. This not only saves on maintenance costs but also contributes to sustainable farming practices, making them a preferred choice for poultry farmers who prioritize efficiency and longevity.

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2. Chickens Can Have Enough Space to Move in the Chicken Cages

One of the standout features of sturdy spacious chicken farming cages is the ample space they provide for chickens. This spacious environment allows chickens to move freely, stretch their wings, and engage in natural behaviors. The result is a more comfortable and content flock. With enough space, chickens are less stressed, and this positively impacts their health and overall well-being. The well-designed layout of these cages ensures that chickens have access to food, water, and comfortable resting areas, creating the most comfortable chicken cage system available.

3. High Production Efficiency, Chickens Grow Better

Sturdy spacious chicken farm cages are known for their ability to enhance production efficiency. Chickens raised in these cages experience improved growth rates and feed conversion ratios. The controlled environment allows for better monitoring and management of poultry, reducing the risk of disease and stress-related issues. As a result, poultry farmers can achieve higher yields and better economic returns, making these cages a smart choice for those seeking optimized production.

4. Strong Spacious Chicken Farm Cages Can Accommodate More Chickens

The spacious design of these chicken farm cages allows for greater bird capacity within the same area. This increased density leads to higher farm profits, as more chickens can be raised in the same space. Additionally, the well-organized layout simplifies the management of larger flocks. The ability to accommodate more chickens not only boosts profitability but also minimizes land and resource requirements, contributing to sustainable and space-efficient farming.

5. Chicken Farm Cage Ensures Animal Welfare and Careful Handling of Eggs

Sturdy spacious chicken farming cages prioritize animal welfare and the well-being of chickens. The design of these cages takes into account the natural behaviors and needs of poultry. This results in healthier and happier birds. Additionally, the chicken cage system allows for the careful collection of eggs, reducing the risk of damage and contamination. The end product is spacious and comfortable chicken farming cages that can bring huge benefits to any chicken farm, including improved egg quality and increased production.

6. The Sturdy and Spacious Chicken Farm Cage Has Strong Durability

The durability of sturdy spacious chicken farming cages is a testament to their thoughtful design and the use of robust materials. These cages are built to withstand the rigors of daily farm life. Stainless steel is often used for the cage legs, ensuring resistance to corrosion and providing a sturdy foundation. This durability not only extends the life of the chicken cage system but also reduces maintenance costs, making them a cost-effective choice for poultry farmers.

Layer Cages in Zambia poultry farm for 20000 birds

7. Chicken Farm Cage Suitable for All Poultry Farmers

Sturdy spacious chicken farming cages are designed to cater to the needs of all poultry farmers, regardless of the scale of their operation. Whether you run a small family farm or a large commercial poultry facility, these cages can be adapted to suit your requirements. They offer flexibility and customization options, making them an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced poultry farmers. With their versatility and proven benefits, these cages are becoming the go-to choice in the poultry industry.


Sturdy spacious chicken farming cages have gained popularity in the poultry industry for several compelling reasons. Their long service life, comfort-enhancing design, increased production efficiency, and accommodation of more chickens all contribute to the prosperity of poultry farms. Furthermore, their emphasis on animal welfare and egg handling ensures a quality end product. With their durability and suitability for poultry farmers of all sizes, these chicken farming cage are a testament to the evolution of the poultry industry and the commitment to sustainable, efficient, and humane farming practices. Consider adopting sturdy spacious chicken farming cages to elevate your poultry farm to new heights of success.

Cost of Poultry Farming Broiler Battery Cages

Battery Broiler Cages on the Market and Their Price Ranges

Poultry farming has seen significant advancements over the years, and battery broiler cages have become a popular choice for modern poultry operations. These cages are designed to maximize space utilization, improve hygiene, and enhance overall broiler chicken management. As of 2023, a variety of battery broiler cages are available on the market, each with its unique features and price ranges.

  • Broiler Chicken Cages: Broiler chicken cages come in different configurations, including H-type, A-type, and other custom designs. The choice of cage type can significantly impact both the initial investment and long-term operational costs. H-type broiler cages, for example, offer a more efficient use of space and are commonly used in medium to large-scale broiler farming.
  • Broiler Chicken Cages Price Ranges: The price of battery broiler cages varies based on several factors, such as materials, design, and brand. On average, these cages can cost anywhere from $80 to $150 per unit, depending on their quality and features. High-quality cages often come at a premium but can provide long-term benefits through better durability and bird management capabilities. For a medium-sized broiler farm with 10,000 chickens, you might need approximately 70 groups of 144-bird H-type broiler cages, which could range from $7,000 to $15,000 in cage costs.
poultry farming broiler chicken cage system for sale

Things That Affect the Price of Battery Broiler Cages in Poultry Farms

Several crucial factors influence the price of battery broiler cages in poultry farms. Understanding these elements is essential when considering an investment in broiler cage systems.

  1. The Material of the Broiler Cage: The material used in constructing the cages plays a significant role in determining the cost. High-quality materials, such as galvanized steel, are more durable and resistant to corrosion, but they tend to be pricier. Cheaper alternatives may save upfront costs but may lead to higher maintenance expenses in the long run.
  2. The Brand of the Broiler Cage: Well-established brands often offer a premium product with a track record of reliability. While these cages might come with a higher initial price, they can provide greater peace of mind regarding quality and performance.
  3. The Quality of the Broiler Cage: Cage quality encompasses factors such as cage design, ease of maintenance, and the well-being of the broiler chickens. Better-quality cages can enhance bird health, reduce labor costs, and improve overall efficiency.
  4. The Company’s After-Sales Service: A responsive after-sales service can be invaluable, as it ensures prompt assistance for any issues that may arise during cage usage. Some companies offer warranties, training, and maintenance services as part of their package, which can justify a higher initial cost.

Taking all of these factors into account is crucial when assessing the cost of battery broiler cages. An initial investment in quality cages with reliable materials and brand support can yield long-term cost savings and improved broiler farming outcomes.

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Cost Estimate of Raising 10,000 Broiler Chickens

When planning a poultry farm with 10,000 broiler chickens and battery cage system, it’s vital to estimate the total cost accurately. Keep in mind that these figures are rough estimates and may vary based on specific circumstances and regional factors.

  1. Cage Units: The cages themselves are a significant part of the initial investment. The cost can range from $80 to $150 per unit, depending on materials and design. For a 10,000-bird farm, you’d likely need around 70 groups of 144-bird H-type broiler cages. This translates to a cost of approximately $7,000 to $15,000.
  2. Infrastructure and Housing: Building suitable structures to house the cages, including necessary amenities like water and electricity, can add an additional $15,000 to $25,000 to your total investment. This cost will depend on factors like the size of the structure, the availability of utilities, and the cost of labor.
  3. Feeding and Watering System: Installing an efficient feeding and watering system is essential for successful broiler farming. Anticipate spending approximately $1,000 to $1,500 on a reliable system. The quality of this system can significantly impact feed efficiency and bird growth.
  4. Operational Expenses: It’s important to remember that these initial costs are just the beginning. Ongoing expenses like feed, veterinary care, and labor costs must be considered in your budget. Feed is one of the most significant expenses, so managing it efficiently is crucial. Veterinary care and labor costs can vary based on local rates and the scale of your operation.
  5. Market Conditions: The costs can also be influenced by the prevailing market conditions in your area. Prices for materials, labor, and even chicken meat can fluctuate, affecting your overall expenses.

In conclusion, while these estimates provide a starting point for budgeting, it’s crucial to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study and budgeting process to tailor the costs to your specific situation. Battery broiler cages offer several advantages for poultry farming, but careful planning and investment are essential for a successful operation.

Hot Selling Layer Battery Cage System For Sale

Introduction to the Best-Selling Layer Battery Cage System

The hot selling layer battery cage system has gained widespread popularity within the poultry farming community for its exceptional features and automation capabilities. It addresses the pressing needs of modern poultry farms, which often house thousands of laying hens. This innovative system provides efficient solutions for essential tasks such as automatic poultry drinking water, feeding, manure cleaning, egg collection, and environmental control.

With the capacity to cater to farms housing 5,000 to 10,000 birds, it’s the go-to choice for those seeking a streamlined and profitable operation. Its ability to minimize manual labor, reduce odor, and maintain a comfortable environment for hens make it a cornerstone of success for intensive poultry farming.

layer chicken farm project in NIgeria
hot selling layer battery cage system

Hot Selling Layer Cage Product Information

Laying hens are the backbone of any egg production facility. And the hot selling layer battery cage system ensures their well-being while maximizing productivity. This system is tailored to nurture hens from 12 to 14 weeks until they mature, which usually occurs around 20 weeks of age.

For farms housing between 5,000 and 10,000 chickens, this layer battery cage system offers a suite of benefits. It dramatically decreases feed expenses, automates labor-intensive chores, curbs unpleasant odors, minimizes disease transmission risks, and maintains an optimal environment, keeping the poultry houses dry and hygienic. The undeniable highlight is the substantial profit that results from adopting this cutting-edge technology.

Hot-Selling Layer Battery Cages in Uganda

To illustrate the practical application and benefits of the hot selling layer battery cage system in Uganda, let’s examine a successful case study in Uganda. In this scenario, a poultry farm in Uganda opted for the 4-tier 160-capacity hot-dip galvanized layer cage system.

Their farm boasts impressive dimensions: 75 meters in length, 12 meters in width, and 3.5 meters in height. It’s divided into three rows, each housing 35 groups of layer battery cages, totaling 105 sets. With a staggering capacity to accommodate 16,800 chickens per house, it’s a remarkable achievement in poultry farming. The farm is equipped with advanced poultry equipment, including cart feeders and scraper manure removal systems, emphasizing the potential of this hot-selling system in real-world settings.

Choosing a Trustworthy Poultry Equipment Manufacturer

Selecting a reliable poultry equipment manufacturer is paramount to the success of your poultry venture. Here are key factors to consider when making this critical decision:

1. Wide Range of Options. Our offerings include fully automatic and semi-automatic battery cage systems, with options for 3-layer and 4-layer laying hen cages. You can choose from various capacities, including 96, 120, 128, and 160 capacity battery cages.

2. Durability. Our battery cage frames are engineered to last, resisting rust, deformation, and mesh sagging for an impressive 20-year lifespan.

3. Customization. We prioritize your needs, offering free design services to tailor your chicken house size to your specifications. Additionally, we provide free farm development consultation to optimize your poultry operation.

4. Exceptional Service. We stand by our products, offering comprehensive after-sales support. We provide installation guidance and even offer door-to-door installation services through our professional teams.

5. Ongoing Support. Building lasting relationships with our customers is our commitment. We annually visit customer chicken farms, offering support and expertise to aid in farm development and success.

In conclusion, the hot selling layer battery cage system is a revolutionary solution for modern poultry farming. With its myriad of benefits and applications, it’s no wonder why it’s in high demand among poultry farmers worldwide. When choosing the right poultry equipment manufacturer, prioritize quality, durability, and ongoing support to ensure the success of your poultry business.

Automatic Poultry Feeder System Price

Introduction to Automatic Poultry Feeder System

Poultry farming has evolved significantly over the years, and one of the key advancements that has revolutionized the industry is the automatic poultry feeder system. This innovative system, often referred to as the floor feeding system or deep litter system, encompasses various components such as the automatic pan feeding system, automatic drinking system, ventilation system, environmental control system, cooling pad, and heating system. Together, these components create an optimal environment for broilers and pullets, ensuring their health, growth, and productivity.

The modern poultry house, designed with precision and efficiency in mind, stands at a height of 2.5m to 3.5m at the eaves. Its width is carefully determined based on the layout of internal equipment, taking into account the critical aspect of ventilation. Steel structure poultry houses typically have a width ranging from 8m to 15m, with a length ideally not exceeding 140m.

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Automatic Feed Line System

The core part of the automatic feeding line – the automatic tray feeding system. This equipment provides a safe and convenient solution for broiler feeding. Automatically controls 5-level feeding volume adjustment, and the feed tray can store 800g to 1600g of feed to meet the needs of different growth stages. The edge design of the feed plate avoids feed waste, and the inclined design enables even distribution of feed. The diameter of the disc is 330 mm. The material is made of 100% virgin PE material and contains anti-UV additives. The bottom shape can be selected as wavy bottom or flat bottom for easy cleaning.

Safety and Convenience: The automatic feeding system is specifically designed for broiler chickens, providing a safe and convenient feeding solution.

Customized Feeding: With options of yellow and red trays, this system offers 5-level feeding volume adjustment to cater to the specific needs of your poultry.

Feed Storage: The feed tray can store between 800g to 1600g of feed, ensuring that your poultry’s hunger is always satisfied.

Minimized Waste: Its edge design is optimized to prevent feed wastage, ensuring that your investment in poultry feed is efficient.

Even Distribution: The tray’s inclined design from edge to center ensures uniform distribution of feed, guaranteeing healthy and evenly growing broiler chickens.

Ease of Rearing: Thanks to the thoughtful design, raising broiler chickens becomes a hassle-free endeavor.

Tray Features:

Disc diameter: 330 mm
Disk material: 100% virgin PE material with anti-UV additives
Feed capacity: 55 chickens per plate
Suitable for use from day 1.
Easy cleaning: Hang to dry or use high-pressure water cleaning for hassle-free maintenance.
Choose from a wavy or flat bottom tray to suit your preferences.

Automatic Drinking Water System

It adopts a three-layer high-quality stainless steel sealing design, with 360° contact to ensure water discharge at all angles. It has high sensitivity, small trigger force and no water leakage. The cup below collects the water droplets wasted by the birds and avoids excessive humidity on the poultry house floor. This system is suitable for birds at different growth stages such as broilers and breeders. It is moderately clean, does not squirm or leak, and keeps the feces dry and easy to clean.

Stainless Steel Reliability: The automatic drinking water system boasts a three-layer high-quality stainless steel sealing design, ensuring durability and longevity.

Efficient Water Discharge: The 360° contact of the nipple ensures water discharge from all angles with minimal triggering force and zero water leakage.

Drip Collection: A cup under the nipple collects wasted water droplets, maintaining the dryness of the poultry house floor and preventing excessive humidity.

Versatile Usage: Suitable for birds in different growth stages, including broilers, breeders.

Hygiene and Longevity: Clean and moderate water supply guarantees dry and clean feces, making cleaning a breeze. With a service life of 15 years, it’s a long-term investment.

Quality Assurance: Each system undergoes 100% full quantity testing and inspection before shipment, ensuring reliability.

Convenience and Durability: The system is not only convenient but also built to last, providing you peace of mind.

Poultry Ventilation System

The poultry ventilation system plays a pivotal role in controlling climate conditions within the poultry house. It ensures a constant supply of fresh air, appropriate humidity levels, and optimal temperatures, all of which are essential for maximizing poultry production.

This system consists of ventilation fans, which can be box fans or butterfly cone fans, and air inlets. Together, they create the perfect environment for your poultry to thrive.

The environmental control system, particularly the wet curtain system, is a critical component in maintaining ideal conditions within the poultry house. It consists of wet curtains, a water tank, circulating water pump, and drainage pipe.

The main cooling process occurs within the wet curtain. Its cross-groove structure maximizes cooling efficiency as hot air passes through, and the resulting cold air is distributed throughout the facility. This solution effectively addresses common factory air problems such as high temperatures, poor ventilation, and hot air.

This system comprises small ventilation windows, wet curtains, and fans, working in harmony to create an environment that is conducive to poultry health and productivity.

In Conclusion

The automatic poultry feeder system is a game-changer in the world of poultry farming. It offers efficiency, convenience, and, most importantly, optimal conditions for poultry growth and well-being. With its various components working together seamlessly, it’s no wonder that poultry farmers worldwide are making the switch to this innovative system.

If you’re considering upgrading your poultry farm or starting a new one, don’t miss the opportunity to invest in the automatic poultry feeder system. It’s a decision that will pay dividends in terms of increased productivity and reduced labor costs.

So, why wait? Contact us today to get a free quotation for your automatic poultry feeder system. Join the ranks of successful poultry farmers who have already embraced this technology, and take your poultry farming venture to new heights. Don’t miss out on the chance to revolutionize your poultry farming experience and ensure the success of your business. Contact us now to get started!

Automatic Battery Chicken Cages in Afghanistan Successful Installation

Afghanistan’s poultry farming industry is experiencing rapid growth, driven by increasing demand for poultry products and the potential for economic development. The recent shipment of automatic battery chicken cages to Afghanistan has become a significant topic worthy of coverage due to its transformative impact on the industry.

In this shipment, LIVI Poultry Equipment Manufacturers successfully delivered their state-of-the-art automatic battery chicken cages to a farm in Afghanistan. These advanced cages, specifically designed for improved efficiency, were shipped to a farm capable of accommodating 10,000 laying hens. A total of 84 sets of automated cascading chicken cages, equipped with automatic feeding and manure cleaning systems, were transported. This cutting-edge equipment promises to revolutionize poultry farming practices in Afghanistan.

LIVI Poultry Equipment Manufacturers meticulously produced the automated automatic battery cages over a period of approximately 10 days. Following stringent quality checks, the equipment was securely packaged and dispatched to Afghanistan. With great attention to detail, LIVI completed the order of high-quality automated cascading chicken cages, ensuring they were ready for immediate installation upon arrival.

Prior to shipping, LIVI Poultry Equipment Manufacturers implemented rigorous quality control measures to guarantee the reliability and performance of their aautomatic battery chicken cages. Skilled professionals within their supply chain conducted meticulous inspections and thorough product trials. As a result, customers in Afghanistan can confidently expect fully operational and efficient automated cascading chicken cages.

LIVI Poultry Equipment Manufacturers prides itself on delivering exceptional customer service and providing comprehensive after-sales support. In addition to the shipment of the automatic battery chicken cages, LIVI offers training sessions and detailed installation instructions to ensure farmers in Afghanistan optimize the use of this advanced equipment. Moreover, they provide warranty policies to instill confidence and peace of mind among their valued customers. LIVI’s dedication to customer satisfaction has earned them widespread trust in the poultry farming community.

Farmers who have embraced the automatic battery cages in Afghanistan have experienced remarkable results. The adoption of this innovative equipment has led to a three-fold increase in their breeding volume, solidifying the cages as essential components on their farms. It is evident that the automatic battery cages from LIVI have positively transformed poultry farming practices in Afghanistan.

In conclusion, the successful installation of automatic battery cages in Afghanistan signifies a significant milestone for the country’s poultry farming industry. With heightened efficiency and productivity, Afghan farmers now possess access to cutting-edge technology that meets the rising demand for poultry products. The introduction of LIVI’s automateic chicken cages has undoubtedly propelled the industry forward, positioning Afghanistan as a thriving player in the global poultry market.

3 successful 45000 birds poultry farming projects in Ghana

Ghana, this West African country, is full of life and opportunities, especially in the field of poultry farming. As the population grows and the demand for high quality poultry products continues to increase. The poultry farming industry has ushered in a golden era in Ghana. However, the industry also faces a series of challenges, such as cost management, breeding efficiency and market competition.

In this context of coexisting challenges and opportunities, automated poultry farming systems have emerged, bringing new vitality to Ghana’s poultry agriculture. Automation not only improves breeding efficiency, but also reduces the burden on farmers. It also helps ensure poultry health and food safety.

Today LIVI poultry equipment manufacturer will take you into the world of automatic poultry farming projects in Ghana. Give you an in-depth look at three of our successful project cases in Ghana. A total of 45,000 poultry are raised in these projects. These cases are not only remarkable but also provide valuable lessons for other farmers. Automated poultry cage systems have huge potential to increase farming efficiency, reduce costs, increase production and improve farm sustainability.

Ghana Tamale 15000 PCS laying hen cage project

LIVI poultry equipment manufacturer introduces the case of chicken farmers from Tamale, Ghana. In 2020, the customer purchased 15,000 pcs laying hen cage project from LIVI poultry equipment manufacturer. In June this year, our company’s professionals went to this farm for a return visit. We have heard so many compliments from our customers.

There are a total of 123 sets laying hen cage systems in Ghana on farms that breed 15,000 birds. We recommended to our customers the use of high-quality four-layer A-type battery chicken cages. The customer built a chicken house of 86*12*3.5m. It can accommodate 123 sets of chicken cages, with a total capacity of 14,760 chickens.

Our 4-tier A-type battery cage is made of high-quality hot-dip galvanized material, which is strong and durable. First of all, the capacity of each chicken cage can reach 120 chickens, which greatly increases the breeding density of the chicken farm. Secondly, the size design of the chicken cage is also very scientific. At the same time, we also pay great attention to giving the chickens enough space to move and reduce the pressure on the chickens as much as possible. The bottom of our laying hen cages is also scientifically designed. The bottom of the chicken cage is tilted at 7 degrees. This design can help the collection of eggs while avoiding contamination and damage to the eggs.

Baby chick farming house for 10000 chickens

Location: The baby chick farming is located in Accra, Ghana.
Scale: The baby chick farming project covers an area of 1,275 square meters.
We employ state-of-the-art automation technology to increase farm efficiency and productivity. These technologies include primarily automatic baby chick cages and automated feeding systems to ensure optimal nutrition for the chicks. Environmental monitoring systems maintain ideal conditions for poultry growth. Automatic manure cleaning equipment to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

Name of building: The baby chick farming consists of one story chicken house.
House Dimensions: The house dimensions are 78* 12 * 3 m.
Roof material: The roof is made of sandwich panels with a thickness of 50mm.
Wall Materials: Walls are covered with curtains to control the climate.
Water tower: A 6-meter-high water tower has been installed to ensure stable water supply to the chickens. It is equipped with four barrels, each with a capacity of 10 cubic meters.
Walkways: There are wooden walkways between automatic baby chick cages for easy access.
Additional poultry equipment: The baby chick farm is equipped with an automatic feeding system to ensure timely and accurate feeding of chicks.
I understand the importance of my role in overseeing the completion of this project and I am committed to ensuring its success. I have arranged for a qualified team to manage the project during my absence and I will be available to deal with any emergencies that may arise while I am away.

20,000 laying hens poultry farming project in Ghana

The 20,000 birds poultry farming project is located in Ghana. Ghana is a West African country with rich agricultural resources and suitable climatic conditions, so the poultry farming industry has good development prospects.

Deployment of automated systems. In order to improve production efficiency and management level, the farm uses advanced automation systems. The automated system covers many aspects, including feeding, waste disposal, temperature control and data monitoring. By using automation technology, manual operations can be reduced and more precise management and monitoring can be provided.

Chicken house deployment for a 20,000 birds poultry farming project in Ghana. During the communication with our professionals, we learned that the customer did not build a chicken coop. So our professional team helped the customer provide a free chicken coop design plan, which was recognized by the customer. The size of the chicken house required for the Nongca Cinderella that can accommodate 20,000 laying hens is 92*15*3.5m. It is recommended to use a high-quality 4-layer stacked chicken cage. One group can breed 120 birds, and a total of 168 sets of laying hen cages are needed

The key to the success of Ghana’s 20,000 birdspoultry farming project lies in the following two points. first. The farm has received professional technical support and guidance from LIVI poultry equipment manufacturer. LIVI poultry equipment manufacturer provided knowledge on breeding technology, installation and maintenance of automation systems for this project.

In addition, Ghana’s poultry farming project of 20,000 laying hens has received sufficient financial support. This is because the poultry farmer is a hard-working and capable person. He has enough funds to purchase poultry cages and construction sites for 20,000 chickens. This provides the necessary guarantee for the smooth development of the farm.

In conclusion

The above is the sharing of successful projects in Ghana by our LIVI poultry equipment manufacturer. We have more than 30 years of experience in the design and manufacturing of poultry cage systems. High-quality poultry and layer cage equipment has been successfully used in more than 3,000 farms. If you are interested in poultry farming, please leave a message to contact us and I will contact you within 24 hours.